Welcome to Theatician's Space


Within these pages you can find a number of my current and past design projects. I am currently entering my second year of MFA studies for Theatre Design at The University of Texas at Austin where my focus crosses both Scenic and Lighting design. My dream is to venture into Projection Design where the skills and knowledge of Scenic and Lighting are not only necessary, but essential, to creating and collaborating with all of the members of a design team.

As we advance in technology and the traditional perceptions and conventions of theatrical productions begins to involve projection and potentally holographic, interactive elements, it becomes important for the developing designer to consider the applications of such media. The hand of the artisit, the design process, these can all be incorporated into stage design and performance today, however, the knowledge of how to do this successfully resides in the minds of a select few through their trials and experiments and it is my goal to be one of those pioneering minds who can eventally mentor a whole new kind of designer.

Michelle Ferrier